You’ll start by logging into the email that you’d like to add your recovery option to.
- Once logged in you’ll select the name in the top right-hand corner.
- Under the email address select “Account Info”.
- In the new window that pops up on the left-hand side, you’ll find and select “Account Security”.
- Towards the middle of the screen, you’ll have Email Addresses and the emails that are currently connected. Click “Email Addresses”.
(If you haven’t set up an email yet then it will just say ”Add recovery email address”) - To delete an email, you’ll have a trash icon to the right of the address you’d like to remove.
- To add an email, select ”Add recovery email address” at the bottom.
- You’ll be asked to enter the email you’d like set as your recovery email.
When you do this you will be asked to log into the email you’re adding to verify you have access to that email. In the email, they will have a link that you’ll click and it will verify the account.