- In order to recover your Gmail email password, start by visiting the site where you typically will log in to your email.
If you need help finding this page, visit the link below where it will take you to login:
https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/identifier?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F&service=mail&sacu=1&rip=1&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin - Once there, in the box that says ”Email or Phone” enter the email address you’re trying to reset the password for. Now select the blue next button.
- The next window you get will be asking for your password. Instead of typing your password there’s going to be an option below that says: ”Forgot password?” Select that link.
- The next window’s that appear will depend on what recovery options you’ve set up on the account when you first created the account. If you’re not seeing any of the items we cover, feel free to skip and continue to the next step.
- The next window you receive should be asking you to enter the last password you remember using.
If this is not the window you receive skip this step or if you don’t have a guess you’ll select ”Try another way.”
If you do have some idea’s, try entering your best guess. Even if you’re unsure, providing your best guess is always better than nothing.
*Pro tip, if you provide a password you’ve used recently enough, Gmail may except that as enough info to verify you and give you access to reset the password without any additional steps. - Next, you should receive a screen with whichever recovery options were saved on the account.
The typical recovery options you may receive will be:
Email me:
This allows you to receive a reset link via your recovery email you’ve added to the account. When showing you the email they will hide a portion of the address and only give you a hint to what that address is to protect your information from anyone else that may have access to your other email. Select the blue Send button and hit Continue at the bottom. Now in a new window or tab log into the email that is receiving the code and retrieve your code. If you opened a separate window you should now be able to go back to the first one and enter in the code.
If you don’t have access to this recovery option you’ll select ”Try another way.”
Text me:
This allows you to receive a code that you’ve added to the account by sending it via the smartphone as a text message. When showing you the phone number they will hide a portion of the number and only give you a hint by showing you the last 4 digits of your phone. This is to protect your information from anyone else that may have access to that device. Select Text me and hit Continue at the bottom. Within a few minutes, you should receive a text message with a code. Enter that code on the web page where they ask for your code.
If you don’t have access to this recovery option you’ll select ”Try another way.”
Call me:
This allows you to receive a code that you’ve added to the account by sending it via the smartphone as a phone call. When showing you the phone number they will hide a portion of the number and only give you a hint by showing you the last 4 digits of your phone. This is to protect your information from anyone else that may have access to that device. Select Call me and hit Continue at the bottom. Within a few minutes, you should receive a text message with a code. Enter that code on the web page where they ask for your code.
If you don’t have access to this recovery option you’ll select ”Try another way.”
Answer your security question: This give’s you a security question that should have been set up and filled out when first creating the account.
Some examples of questions you might see are ”What was the name of your first pet?” or ”What city were you born in?” or ”What is your favorite beverage?”
These questions can vary. Try answering and entering in your best guess for the question and hit the Continue button at the bottom.
Typically you should only have to verify through one option, however, if your account has been flagged for suspicious activity or something else is wrong with the account, they may have you verify your identity through multiple recovery options or reject you from recovering the account on your own altogether. So be sure to always keep your recovery options current and up to date.
For additional help on this topic, you can also visit the link below: